Residential Services
Elk Hill's roots are in residential services. We've been providing teens with safe, supportive spaces to live, heal, and grow
for over five decades.
Comprehensive Support
We help teens build the skills and confidence to thrive and flourish in
their communities.
Successful Transitions
The goal isn’t to bring young people into these programs, but to help them transition out — and continue making progress once they do.
Education and Skill Building
We offer a full range of flexible education options, skill-building, and recreational options.
Quality Care
We keep youth connected to top-notch clinical and community resources
CANS-certified staff are committed to planning care that builds on clients’ strengths and responds to their needs to measurably improve outcomes.
Affiliations with support groups such as AA, NA, Al-Anon, and ROSMY
Meets Medicaid Therapeutic Group Home Programming
Weekly individual therapy provided by Licensed Mental Health Provider
Psycho-educational groups daily
On site psychiatric services provided by Virginia South Psychiatric & Family Services
Specialized clinical services and assessments provided to include family therapy, substance abuse, independent living, etc.
Outpatient therapy and other clinical services available upon discharge

Tammy Johnston, MSW, LCSW
Residential Clinical Director
Amani, Charlottesville, Goochland, Spring Garden
(804) 629-1299

Paul Bratton, MPA, QMHP-C
Residential Director
Amani, Charlottesville, Goochland, Spring Garden
(804) 921-6144
Meet Our Leadership
For more information please contact our Residential Admissions
team at 804-305-0797 or email
Click the link below to view and download our admissions application.